Halloween Special: Ghosts Zombies and Vampires!
26th October 2013 · 10:30am - 10:30am
In person | Virtual event

Centre for Inquiry UK The Skeptic magazine and Conway Hall Ethical Society present; Halloween Special: Ghosts Zombies and Vampires!; 10.30 Registration; 11.00 Deborah Hyde on vampires; 12.00 Chris French on ghosts; 1.30 Frank Swain on zombies; 2.30 Scott Wood on London ghosts; 3.30 END; Deborah Hyde: Vampires; “The Vampire has fascinated Western Europe from the early 1700s but the tradition was a real part of Eastern European lives for a considerable time before that. In the last three centuries the icon has been taken up by art of all kinds – literature film and graphics – and it has had a lasting effect on fashion and culture. But what is the authentic story behind tales of the predatory living dead and can we understand a little more about being human by studying these accounts? We will look at recent attempts to understand the folklore and try to work out how an Eastern European ritual made its way to late nineteenth century New England USA.; Deborah Hyde writes writes lectures internationally and appears on broadcast media to discuss superstition religion and belief in the supernatural. She uses a range of approaches and disciplines from history to psychology to investigate the folklore of the malign and to discover why it is so persistent throughout all human communities & eras. She is currently writing a book ‘Unnatural Predators’. She is also a film industry make-up effects production manager who gets on the wrong side of the camera from time to time”; Chris French: The Psychology of Ghosts and Hauntings; This talk will consider a number of factors that may lead people to claim that they have experienced a ghost even though they may not in fact have done so. Topics covered will include hoaxes sincere misinterpretation of natural phenomena hallucinatory experiences and pareidolia (seeing things that are not there) the fallibility of eyewitness testimony the possible role of complex electromagnetic fields and infra-sound photographic evidence EVP and the role of the media.; Professor Chris French is the Head of the Anomalistic Psychology Research Unit at Goldsmiths University of London. He is a Distinguished Supporter of the British Humanist Association and a Fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry.; Frank Swain: Zombies; Ever wanted to make your own army of undead servants? Join author Frank Swain as he reveals 300 years of reanimation and mind control experiments. You learn the tricks techniques and toxins that everyone from clandestine government scientists to crazed basement obsessives have used in their quest to raise the dead and enslave the living.; Frank Swain writes and talks about science. His first book HOW TO MAKE A ZOMBIE if out now from Oneworld. Frank has a history of making ‘zines being a filthy scenester stage-managing burlesque shows climbing buildings harrying his betters arguing the toss and generally being a force for good.; Scott Wood: Ghosts of London; In London you are never more than ten feet from a ghost story*. Ghosts have been an enduring part of London’s history folklore and media and it seems that nothing of note can take place in the city without planting new ghosts.; Scott Wood of the London Fortean Society and author of the forthcoming Urban Legends of London: The Corpse on the Tube examines how ghosts and London ghost stories have changed through time from early modern revenants on Bankside to the Greenwich spooks that disturbed Lady Gaga. What do we talk about when we talk about ghosts?; *Maybe; £10 (£5 students and Conway Hall Ethical Society) Free to friends of CFI UK.; 10.30am registration. 11am-3.30pm; (CFI reserves the right to change the programme due to unforeseen circumstances)