Herne the Hunter – From Ghoul to Godhead
12th March 2018 · 7:00pm - 9:00pm
In person | Virtual event

In 1984 Mrs Mary Whitehouse attacked the Robin of Sherwood TV series for its Pagan elements. Writer Kip Carpenter had deliberately introduced the transgressive power of myth into his groundbreaking series with Herne the Hunter. From Shakespeare onwards Herne has been re-imagined as a vengeful spirit, the leader of “the wild hunt”, a shaman and the horned god of the greenwoods.
Historian Dr John Callow, author of Embracing the Darkness: a cultural history of witchcraft, explores the roots of Herne’s tale and how his legend has inspired generations of writers and artists to create a powerful figure for both the modern Pagan pantheon and the wider environmental movement.