How Singing Can Change Your Life
14th June 2017 · 7:00pm - 8:30pm
In person | Virtual event

Research on singing for wellbeing has burgeoned in recent years and this event, in collaboration with the royal college of Music and Imperial college London, will explore cutting-edge findings on how singing in a choir can affect mental health, psychological wellbeing, quality of life and stress hormones. You’ll have the opportunity to take part in a choir session led by groundbreaking charity Tenovus Cancer Care, which now has 19 choirs across Wales and London for those affected by cancer. You will also find out about a new two-year study examining the effects of singing over several months, and have the chance to take part in the research. If you’ve ever fancied joining a choir but didn’t dare, come and try it out!
You will learn:
- How to let go and truly sing with abandon
- About how taking part in a groundbreaking study focusing on the effects of singing in a choir will improve your mental health
The project has also been approved by the National Research Ethics Service and we are collaborating with the Royal Marsden Hospital.