how to: with Professor Susan David
12th April 2016 · 6:45pm - 8:00pm
In person | Virtual event

Harvard professor Susan David presents a revolutionary method for overcoming negative emotion, embracing change, and thriving in work and life.
Every day we speak around 16,000 words – but the voice in our head creates thousands more. Thoughts such as ‘I’m not spending enough time with my children’ or ‘I don’t have the confidence to do this presentation’ are taken as unshakable facts when it reality they are the judgemental opinions of our inner voice.
Professor Susan David’s deeply researched techniques enable you to unhook yourself from these pessimistic emotional patterns. Learning ‘emotional agility’ will give you the ability to hold negative thoughts at arms-length and evaluate them. You will become aware of your emotional nature, learn to face your feelings, and flourish.
Book now to secure your place at this masterclass in personal psychology, given by a world-renowned expert in emotions.
What they say about the book:
“Susan’s work combines compelling research…and practical wisdom to show people how to create meaningful change in their lives in order to thrive” – Peter Salovey, President of Yale University and originator of the concept of Emotional Intelligence
“Susan offers us a groundbreaking way to recognize our feelings and understand what they are really telling us. She also gives us the tools we need to avoid emotional ruts that keep us from reaching our bigger goals. [Her work] is a revelation for anyone looking to make lasting change in their life” – Gretchen Rubin, bestselling author of Better Than Before
Susan David has a PhD in psychology and a post-doctorate in emotions research from Yale. She is a professor of psychology at the Harvard Medical School faculty and the founder and co-director at the Harvard/McLean-affiliated Institute of Coaching. Susan is the CEO of Evidence Based Psychology, whose worldwide client list includes Ernst and Young Global, the UN Development Program, JP Morgan Chase and GlaxoSmithKline. She has edited a number of books including the Oxford Handbook of Happiness and her research has featured in the Harvard Business Review, TIME and the Wall Street Journal. Born in South Africa, Susan now lives in Boston with her family.