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Humanism in the Middle East

7th October 2019 · 7:30pm - 9:00pm

In person | Virtual event

 Humanism in the Middle East

Raised in an authoritarian, extremist society by a liberal, open-minded family, Faisal had a unique experience growing up as a bridge between worlds in collision. As he grew up discussing philosophers, literature, and democracy with his father, Faisal also had to endure Iraq under the regime of Saddam Hussein and later the oppressive rule of Al-Qaeda.

A survivor in the truest sense of the word, Faisal witnessed atrocities daily. Fleeing for his life, he escaped to Lebanon, Malaysia, and finally the United States in 2013, where he recently became a citizen. Faisal founded the non-profit organisation Ideas Beyond Borders so that other Arab youth wouldn’t have to suffer in the way he and his family did. His mission: to encourage free expression, critical thinking, and Humanism by making inaccessible ideas and values accessible across the region.

Join us at the Ethical Society and learn how Ideas Beyond Borders has touched the lives of millions of Arabic-speakers, empowered hundreds of translators, and ignited a movement of youth dedicated to elevating the region and its people through knowledge and dialogue.

Ideas Beyond Borders has translated and distributed for free more than a dozen bestselling books (such as Steven Pinker’s Enlightenment Now) and over 1800+ articles featuring topics ranging from science to women’s rights and pluralism. The organisation has also launched grassroots educational programs in post-ISIS territories, including the University of Mosul.

“The secret to a peaceful Middle East can be found in books, not bombs,” Faisal al Mutar.

Event Chair, Will Bose
Will manages Faith to Faithless, which was founded in 2015 to raise awareness of apostasy and support those who have left religion. Will has spent four years advising and working with British and international charities that support victims of apostasy crime, child and forced marriage, FGM and honour-based violence. He has spoken about the harmful consequences of certain cultural and religious practices to government organisations including the Home Office, the Foreign Office, The Forced Marriage Unit, Ofsted and New Scotland Yard.

Faith to Faithless is a programme of Humanists UK the national charity for the non-religious that has worked to create a tolerant society where rational thinking and kindness prevail since 1896.

Following the lecture, there will be an opportunity for Q&A. We hope you’ll join us for what promises to be an informative and thought-provoking evening. Thanks to Humanists UK supporters this is a free event.

This event is in the Brockway Room on the ground floor (accessible, with induction loop audio). For accessibility info:

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