Is Humanism Dead?
24th April 2016 · 11:00am - 1:00pm
In person | Virtual event

What can humanism say about the problems we face today? It’s been claimed often enough that humanism is so locked into 19th century patterns of thinking it’s now hopelessly irrelevant. All this talk of progress, believing in ‘man’, and confidence in science and reason? Please! We can at this point either just deny claims of this sort, or look closely at what humanists have said.
Bill Cooke, an authority on Humanism, delves into humanist thinkers from around the world and makes a strong case for the ongoing relevance for humanism in the twenty-first century. But not without finding a lot of dross along the way.
Bill Cooke is the author several book on aspects of humanism, including A Wealth of Insights: Humanist Thought Since the Enlightenment (Prometheus, 2011) and The Blasphemy Depot (RPA/Prometheus 2003) the centenary history of the Rationalist Press Association. He was a major contributor to the New Encyclopaedia of Unbelief. He divides his time between teaching philosophy in Cheshire and working as the Director of Transnational Programs for the Center for Inquiry, based Buffalo, USA. He is a member of the Conway Hall Ethical Society.
Doors 10.30. Entry £3, £2 concs./free to Conway Hall Ethical Society members (no tickets needed).
Brockway Room (Ground floor).
Tea, coffee & biscuits will be available.