Jack Monroe on Greed
12th March 2017 · 11:00am - 1:00pm
In person | Virtual event

As ‘A Girl Called Jack’ she became the face of opposition to austerity Britain – a single mother who turned her experiences trying to feed her young son on benefits into a brilliant career as a food writer and poverty campaigner. Then, following a psychotic breakdown, she blazed another trail – becoming one of the first people in the British media spotlight to come out as transgender. Now Jack Monroe joins The School of Life to give us her unique perspective on the way we live now.
Jack Monroe was awarded the 2013 Fortnum and Mason Judges’ Choice Award for the impact that her blog, A Girl Called Jack, has had. She is now a well-known campaigner against hunger and poverty in the UK, weekly recipe columnist for the Guardian, and winner of Women of the Year 2014. She blogs at cookingonabootstrap.com.