Janet Heimlich – Breaking Their Will: Religious Child Maltreatment
10th March 2013 · 2:00pm - 2:00pm
In person | Virtual event

Note Change of Date and time!; Conway Hall Presents; Award Winning Journalist Janet Heimlich; Janet Heimlich exposes a dark side of faith that most people do not know exists or have ignored for a long time—religious child maltreatment.; After speaking with dozens of victims perpetrators and experts and reviewing a myriad of court cases and studies Ms. Heimlich exposes many forms of child abuse and neglect found in religious contexts and offers solutions toward eradicating the problem.; While fully acknowledging that religion can be a source of comfort strength and inspiration to many young people Ms. Heimlich makes a compelling case that regardless of one’s religious or secular orientation maltreatment of children under the cloak of religion can never be justified and should not be tolerated.; We will be selling copies of Janet’s book on the night but you can pre-order from Amazon books here:; Breaking Their Will | Amazon.co.uk; Janet Heimlich is an award-winning journalist and the author of Breaking Their Will: Shedding Light on Religious Child Maltreatment. It is the first book to take an in-depth look at religiously motivated child abuse and neglect in the United States.; For eight years Ms. Heimlich freelanced as a reporter for National Public Radio. Her work won nine journalism awards including the regional Katie given by the Press Club of Dallas; the Houston Press Club’s Radio Journalist of the Year; and the Texas Bar Association’s Gavel Award.; 14.00; £3 on the door Free to Conway Hall Ethical Society Members