Larger than Life: creating solo performance
29th November 2014 · 1:00pm - 5:00pm
In person | Virtual event

For performance artists, dancers, visual artists, philosophers, sociologists, mathematicians, poets, and others interested in creating new performance-based work.
Participants may bring in pieces that they are working on, or use this workshop to begin new work. We’ll develop short performance pieces that can stand on their own, be joined together to create longer inter-related pieces, or serve as a springboard for full-length monologues, plays or other performative work.
We’ll work in a collaborative atmosphere that encourages and supports risk-taking, using body, voice, text, and – if desired – traditional and/or digital media. Themes will be chosen by participants.
Perry’s teaching techniques are derived from her experience as a writer and performer, and participants are strongly encouraged to evolve their own, unique writing and performance styles.
Bring cameras, laptops, ipads, ipods, cellphones, cables, card-readers, dongles, pencils, paper and/or other media that you might want to use in creating new work.
Feedback from workshop participants:
“Whatever the word for “the opposite of risk averse” is, Janice Perry is it.”
“ …the whole experience was intense but made to feel like a safe environment, due to the strong but reassuring encouragement given by Janice throughout the process… probably the most quote-able phrase, ‘Let’s deal with the possibilities first and the restrictions second.”
“She got us acting painlessly. I never saw our progress evolving – but suddenly everyone was so much better. Then it got REALLY fun!”
“Really great! Janice is an excellent teacher and good at giving feedback supportively. I very much appreciated her refusal to fret over potential problems and her trust in the group and the process to resolve issues in due course. Overall Janice’s approach created a very safe & supportive environment in which to make work and take risks.”
“My experience with you has permanently changed the way I work.”
Workshop sizes are limited so early booking is recommended.