Legal Regulation Debate
17th December 2016 · 6:00pm - 8:30pm
In person | Virtual event

In the US, cannabis is now legal in 4 states, possibly rising to 11 by the end of the year. In Europe, cannabis is openly sold in Dutch ‘coffee shops’, Spanish members’ clubs and Copenhagen’s Christiania. Couple this with support for legalisation from both the Lib Dems and Greens, and recent favourable polling on the topic, and it seems a regulated UK cannabis market may finally be on the horizon.
It’s time, then, to prepare for the next stage: the legal regulation of substances beyond cannabis. Psychedelics, as some of the safest psychoactive substances out there, are a likely next candidate. In this pioneering event at London’s beautiful Conway Hall, we’ll consider questions including:
Given the present situation where psychedelic substances can be obtained from the darknet and Dutch truffle vendors, what is the need to regulate psychedelics?
If we do regulate psychedelics, what are the best models for the different substances? What are the key benefits of legal regulation over the current situation?
What are the potential consequences of expanding access to psychedelics?
Tickets: £9
The Psychedelic Society is partnering with VolteFace to co-host this event. VolteFace is a policy innovation hub that explores alternatives to current public policies relating to drugs, and which also publishes drug-related content online daily at
Charlotte Walsh (LLB; MPhil) is Lecturer in Law at the University of Leicester School of Law, England, where she runs an undergraduate course on Criminology, largely concerned with drug policy. Her main research focus is on the interface between psychedelics and the law, viewed from a liberal, human rights-based perspective, and she has published widely on this subject: she believes that drug prohibition conflicts with our fundamental right to cognitive liberty. Charlotte has been involved with advising people who are being prosecuted for activities involving plant psychedelics. She is a member of the ICEERS Expert Committee for the Regularization of Psychoactives, a group concerned with co-ordinating a common defence strategy in ayahuasca cases and with the development of a global strategy of normalisation for ayahuasca.
Steve Rolles is Senior Policy Analyst for Transform Drug Policy Foundation where he has worked since 1998. Steve has been the lead author of Transform’s key publications including 2009’s ‘After the War on Drugs: Blueprint for Regulation’, 2012’s ‘Alternative World Drug Report’, 2013’s ‘How to Regulate Cannabis; a Practical Guide’ as well as 100s of briefings, journal publications and op-eds in the UK and around the world. Steve was also the lead drafter of the 2015 report for the Global Commission on Drugs ‘Taking Control: Pathways to drug policies that work’, and has been a frequent contributor to the public debate on drug policy and law; in broadcast media, from Newsnight to Fox News, and as a speaker at high level forums in the UK parliament, across Latin America and at the UN in Vienna and New York. Steve was a consultant adviser to the Uruguayan Government on their new legal cannabis regulation model, and is now advising the Canadian Government as they move towards cannabis legalisation.
Sam Bowman is Executive Director of the Adam Smith Institute. He is interested in the political economy of “Bleeding Heart Libertarianism”, a school of thought that tries to use free market policies to improve the welfare of the poor. He has written for The Telegraph, The Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, The Spectator, City AM, ConservativeHome, The International Business Times and CapX and has appeared on Sky News, Newsnight, BBC News, Bloomberg TV, CNBC, Scotland Tonight and The Today Programme, as well as many others.
We’re rolling in our Christmas social with this event! After the debate and discussion on the legal regulation of psychedelics from 6-8.30pm, from 8.30pm-11pm there’ll be time to meet and chat with other psychonauts over tasty, affordable food and psychedelic DJs.