Lego® It Came From Outer Space: Family Event. £3.00
28th October 2016 · 1:30pm - 3:30pm
In person | Virtual event

Suitable for ages 4-14
Looking for something to do over half-term? Come to Conway Hall Library and get creative with some family fun!
Lego® It Came From Outer Space – Friday 28th October 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Halloween is on its spooky way and this year we’ve gone for an alien theme for our Lego® activity. Come and make rockets, extra-terrestrials and space-robots to give our library a space-age vibe.
Our activities cost £3 per child and include a wee goody bag to take home.
Please note: children must be accompanied by an adult and supervised at all times.
* Please be aware that these activities are planned to take place in the library, which is not wheelchair accessible. Please contact if this will prevent you from taking part.