Live the Values – Bhagavad Gita Lecture Series – By Sunandaji
10th June 2019 · 7:00pm - 8:30pm
In person | Virtual event

This year’s lectures on the ‘Bhagavad Gita’ by Sunandaji are about learning to live values in life such as peace, duty, love and knowledge through a systematic and rational exposition of the knowledge of life and living.
Values in life such as peace, duty, love and knowledge are well appreciated the world over. However people find it difficult to practise these principles in their lives. Learn how to live these timeless truths through a systematic and rational exposition of the knowledge of life and living. These timeless truths form part of the ancient philosophy of Vedanta. Vedanta means end of knowledge. It is a universal philosophy that is applicable to people the world over and from all walks of life. Vedanta presents the art of self-management to help achieve success at work, harmony in relationships and contentment within. The lectures on the 10 – 12 June are based on the popular scriptural text, The Bhagavad Gita. Bhagavad Gita brings to light the positive and negative tendencies that lie within. They are one’s higher aspirations and lower desires in life that effect their spiritual evolution or devolution. Its chaste philosophy helps one conquer their desires and regain their supreme Self, the state of Self realisation.
This event is in the Main Hall on the ground floor. For accessibility info:
It is part of Conway Hall Ethical Society’s charitable programme and is tax-exempt.