LONDON 2014 Interactive Humanitarian Conference
4th October 2014 · 10:00am - 10:00am
In person | Virtual event

One People One World presents LONDON 2014 Interactive Humanitarian Conference This Interactive Conference will showcase for the very first time humanitarian individuals groups and organisations adopting a ‘unified approach’ to address the urgent global humanitarian challenges that we face today. In the face of a ‘series of global humanitarian crises’ (Climate Change Food Production Concerns War Poverty Rapidly Increasing Population Ongoing Global Economic Problems Increasing Lifestyle Costs and Stresses Job losses due to Technology Improvements…) – how should we as a people respond? If we are serious about wanting to see truly ‘positive change in the world’ then we need to join forces and adopt a ‘unified approach’ to address these major global concerns. This will be a full participation conference with ‘Interactive Sessions’ (on the Main Floor and Online) where your ideas and positive engagement will be encouraged and most welcome. PLEASE NOTE: We will be FILMING the event for future campaigns and a possible documentary. During the day you will also have the opportunity to participate in some one-to-one video interviews if you wish. Thank You. Seat Reservations: FREE and Donation. 10AM – 4.30PM