Make More Noise: A Day of Creating and Debating
2nd June 2018 · 12:00pm - 4:00pm
In person | Virtual event

In her legendary speech of November 1913, suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst said: “You have to make more noise than anybody else, you have to make yourself more obtrusive than anybody else, you have to fill all the papers more than anybody else. In fact you have to be there all the time and see that they do not snow you under.”
The Ladies Bridge team have been putting this story on the map, making visible the contribution women made in the construction of the much-loved Waterloo Bridge – something that had been written out of official history.
Now they invite you to celebrate the centenary of the women’s vote by marching with the Ladies Bridge banner at Artichoke’s Processions on 10th June. Join the team the week before to prepare for the march by making handprinted headscarves, badges, rosettes & banners in our Main Hall.
You’re invited to share songs, poems, performances and cake… there will be film screenings in celebration of the vote and women’s achievements including Meet the Suffragettes: The Original Media Disruptors, courtesy of the BFI, as well as The Ladies Bridge documentary.
Drinks will be provided. Donations of cake are welcome.
It is essential to register on Eventbrite for a ticket, so that we have an idea of numbers.
For more details, email Karen Livesey and Jo Wiser at: info[@]