Mike Carey – Sci-Fi London on Comics
3rd May 2014 · 2:30pm - 2:30pm
In person | Virtual event

SCI-FI-LONDON presents Mike Carey on Comics Comic books and graphic novels are important to the team at SCI-FI-LONDON as a medium that shares some similarities with film in telling a story through visuals and dialogue. This year we have three events with creators whose work has also fed into other media. Mike Carey From 2000AD to many American comic book publishers Carey is a much loved contributor to Vertigo Comics’ John Constantine: Hellblazer title plus Marvel’s Fantastic Four and X-Men franchises. For Vertigo he was the writer of Lucifer comic and throughout his career has also been writing (non illustrated) crime fiction with his five Felix Castor novels. He will be discussing his career so far plus his latest acclaimed horror novel The Girl with all the gifts and graphic novel X-Men: No more humans . Free event . All welcome.