*ONLINE* Thinking On Sunday: Crime Dot Com – From Viruses to Vote Rigging, How Hacking Went Global
6th September 2020 · 3:00pm - 5:30pm
In person | Virtual event

** At the time of announcement this is an ONLINE only event — however, we may in the future also make physical tickets available. If this becomes possible we will announce it here. Please register for an online ticket using the “Book Now” link **
** Conway Hall is a charity and we politely ask you to add a donation of at least £5 when registering. **
On 4 May 2000, an email was sent from a computer in the Philippines that read ‘kindly check the attached LOVELETTER’. Attached was a virus, the Love Bug, and within days it had been circulated across the globe, paralysing banks, broadcasters and businesses in its wake, and extending as far as the UK Parliament and, reportedly, the Pentagon. The out-break presaged a new era of online mayhem: the age of Crime Dot Com.
Investigative journalist Geoff White charts the astonishing development of hacking, from its conception in America’s hippy tech community in the 1970s, through its childhood among the ruins of the Eastern Bloc, to its coming of age as one of the most dangerous and pervasive threats to our digital world. He takes us inside the workings of real-life cy-bercrimes, drawing on interviews with those behind the most devastating hacks and re-vealing how the tactics employed by high-tech crooks to make millions are being har-nessed by nation states to target voters, cripple power networks and prepare, even, for cyber-war.
From Anonymous to the Dark Web, Ashley Madison to election rigging, White’s book Crime Dot Com is a dizzying and terrifying account of hacking, past and present, of what the future has in store and of how we might protect ourselves from it.
Geoff White is an investigative journalist and one of the UK’s leading technology corre-spondents. His work has featured in numerous outlets, including the BBC and Channel 4 News, and he is the writer and presenter of the acclaimed podcast The Dark Web.
Geoff White: geoffwhite.tech
Reaktion Books: https://www.reaktionbooks.co.uk/dis-play.asp?ISB=9781789142853
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ReaktionBooks/
Twitter: @geoffwhite247 / @reaktionbooks
Instagram: https://twitter.com/i/status/1280079777932742656
** This talk will be held online using the Zoom application (available for PC, Mac, iOS and Android). A link to join the talk will be sent to ticketholders on the day of the event. **