11th May 2015 · 7:45pm - 9:15pm
In person | Virtual event

Parade – a carnival of exhibitionists and seekers, peddlers of tales and talents, a cornucopia of performance delights!
After the great success of last year’s Parade, the elegant main space at Conway Hall echoes once again with memories of the original Ballet Russes, the lost romance of Alain Fournier’s Le Grand Meaulnes and the melancholic circus of Federico Fellini.
Curated by Luke Dixon and Jane Turner this Parade will be another glorious unfolding display by experienced individualistic artists of their essential best.
A multiplicity of theatrical forms intertwine as fireworks of ingenuity in Conway’s atmospheric theatre emblazoned with the banner:
‘to thine own self be true….’
Turner & Dixon bring together 25 years of artistic collaborations in a new mix of both experienced and fresh young talent.