Performance Speed Dating
22nd January 2018 · 7:30pm - 9:00pm
In person | Virtual event

Meet Performers and Performance Makers at an Artists’ Speed Dating event.
Come and find ideas, collaborators, inspiration at a unique night in Conway’s Main Hall under the To Thine Own Self Be True banner.
The evening will be led by Conway Collective’s Luke Dixon and Jane Turner, who will guide the evening towards multiple new creative connections that can contribute to ‘La Belle et La Bete: une grande parade’, a performance event at Conway Hall on Tuesday 20th March.
The January introductory night will include facilitated games, information, improv and individual sharing.
Come with an open mind, your ideas, a 1-3 minute turn, thoughts around Beauty and the Beast.
Previous Parade parts can be seen here:
For more information email
A free event but booking is essential.