Post Election Fever – Mending our Broken Democracy
11th June 2017 · 11:00am - 12:30pm
In person | Virtual event

The general election may well spew out a very DIS-United Kingdom? Our voting/parliamentary system is driving politics to the four winds of the UK. The worst possible – it does not incentivise or represent the voters or encourage female representation. The House of Lords conjures up actualities of anachronism and cronyism, a relic of times past.
Also party funding is under great suspicion and the lack of transparency regarding the influences of the corporate sector on politicians and government policy is deplorable. Why do we tolerate such ineptitude?
So how can we move forward? Darren Hughes of the Electoral Reform Society will do the easy job of critically appraising Westminster as is, and go on to suggest alternatives that would work a whole lot better. Decidedly anti-establishment in approach but getting the electorate engaged and interested in the way we run our society. Indeed, aimed at establishing the gold-standard in governance.
Darren Hughes joined the Electoral Reform Society in 2012, initially as Director of Campaigns and Research and in 2014 became Deputy Chief Executive.
Originally from New Zealand, he was elected to the House of Representatives at age 24 and served across three parliaments. During that time he was a government minister; an opposition shadow minister; a party whip; and in addition to portfolio responsibilities such as transport; infrastructure; social development and employment; and education was deputy leader and then shadow leader of the House. New Zealand has had proportional representation for over 20 years and Darren is a firm believer in its ability to represent people more fairly and for the culture of politics to change more positively.
Doors 10.30. Start 11.00
Entry £3, £2 concessions. (free to Conway Hall Ethical Society members)
Brockway Room (Ground floor – accessible. Induction loop audio).
Tea, coffee & biscuits will be available.