Praying for the Poor or Preying on the Vulnerable?
21st August 2013 · 7:00pm - 7:00pm
In person | Virtual event

Central London Humanist Group presents; Patricia Rogers – Praying for the Poor or Preying on the Vulnerable?; Patricia Rogers discusses the work of religious international development NGOs. Patricia is currently a trustee and Vice Chair of the BHA.; Patricia read maths at Cambridge. She has worked in Nigeria Pakistan India Zambia Zimbabwe Nepal in maths education and development issues.; She was Chief Executive of Jubilee Debt Campaign Pestalozzi International Village and Council for Education in World Citizenship. she has also been a trustee of Chatham House (Royal Institute of International Affairs) and of the United Nations Association. She helps with the professional development of maths teachers. Patricia is also a mother and besotted granny.; Doors 6.30 pm. Start 7.00 p.m. Brockway Room; Please arrive early to have a glass of wine from our CLHG Charity Wine Bar and to find a seat and chat with other members.; Any profits from the wine bar will be donated to Patricia’s chosen charity.; All our talks are open to the general public and free to attend but we ask those who can to make a donation of what they can afford to cover the costs of room and equipment hire and help keep our talks free to all. We look forward to seeing you there.