School of Life: Copying And Originality
9th September 2012 · 11:15am - 11:15am
In person | Virtual event

Mark Earls will explore the lie of originality in all its aspects and show the value of ‘social learning’ (copying to you and me) to help us put unoriginality back in its rightful place. And of course most of what he says will be other people’s ideas.; Mark Earls is a leading thinker and actor in changing how we behave as a group. He is the author of the vastly influential Herd: How to Change Mass Behaviour by Harnessing Our True Nature (2009) and co-author of I’ll Have What She’s Having: Mapping Social Behaviour (2011).; Doors 11.15; The School of Life Sermons are strictly secular events which explore the values we should live by today. We ask maverick cultural figures to give us their take on the virtues to cling to or the vices to be wary of in order to better navigate life in our complex modern world.