Sketching the Coalition
28th April 2015 · 7:00pm - 8:30pm
In person | Virtual event

Join the formidable Steve Bell and the Guardian’s political sketch writer, John Crace, for their final verdict on the Tory-Lib Dem Coalition years.
In his new collection, IF: The Graphic Novel, Steve Bell presents the best of his Coalition-era cartoons: from George Osborne in his bondage gear to the ‘Quiet Man’ zombie Ian Duncan Smith, Cable the elephant, Cameron the talking condom and Clegg the butler. John Crace’s I Never Promised you a Rose Garden is a tongue-in-cheek portrait of Westminster and the forthcoming general election, and an indispensible guide to Coalition politics.
They will talk to the Guardian’s Zoe Williams about the highs and lows of the last five years in Westminster, analyse the madness of Election season and explain what makes the Cameron-Clegg partnership such fertile ground for satire.
Running time approximately 90 minutes.
Wheelchair users and disabled visitors who require a carer may bring a companion free of charge. To book a free carer ticket please email