Spectrum Festival
7th November 2013 · 7:30pm - 7:30pm
In person | Virtual event

The International Festival of Spectral Music presents SPECTRUM XXI Seventh Edition ELECTRONIC MUSIC by spectral composers Music by Iancu Dumitrescu Ana-Maria Avram Tim Hodgkinson Steve Noble Bergersen Quartet and Yoni Silver “Both Avram and Dumitrescu are convinced that if they have been able to open new doors in music it is because they have made or found precisely those connections bandween musical activity and inner life that remain unarticulated in conventional musical training. This is not however simply a matter of theit philosophy and motivation as artists. The psychological reality if their music is directly grounded in a conception of the acoustic reality iof sound.” Tim Hodgkinson “Musicworks” No 71 Summer 1998Toronto. The concert will present a panorama of electronic music composed by spectralist composers in preambule. Then a chamber music concert featuring world premieres by Avram Dumitrescu and Hodgkinson “Spectral music is not an epiphenomenon an accident an odd eccentric point on the musical map deprived of any consequences but a vast ocean fed by numerous rivers and brooks increasingly vigorous . Besides spectralism comes in Romania from a natural language at an anthropological level directly connected to the very acoustic base of the sound” HARRY HALBREICH : “Spectral music at the beginning of XXI century” Produced with the funding of the Culture Programme of the European Commission