Spiridonova: Armed Love
14th June 2018 · 7:00am - 9:00pm
In person | Virtual event

This event is part of the Antiuniversity Now Festival 2018.
Join Rita Raven Production and Class War for a screening of ‘Spiridonova: Armed Love’.
From October 1917 the Bolsheviks could rule only in coalition with Left Socialist Revolutionaries who’s charismatic leader Maria Spiridonova was the equal of Lenin. Till April 1918 they maintained a fragile alliance but by June an uprising was inevitable and the outcome uncertain. Spiridonova maps those few months as tension grows and the divide between Leninism and a more libertarian socialism becomes starker……..and fixed in history. Spiridonova is awash with assasins, plotters, anarchists, bomb throwers and vast rallies.. A film made with no money and no actors..but intent on restoring Maria as one of the revolutionary figures of the last century. The screening will be followed by a Q&A with director Murray Healy, Producer Ian Bone and Justine Fernandes, who plays Maria.
Class War is an anarchist group and newspaper.
To reserve you place email: localnews4us[@]yahoo.co.uk
For more information visit: www.classwarparty.org.uk/
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Antiuniversity Now is an autonomous radical learning project, set in 2015 to challenge academic and class hierarchy through an annual festival of mutual education. Antiuniversity events are organised by individuals and groups across the UK and are open, free and accessible to everyone regardless of education or background.