Sunday Assembly: How To Get A Lemon Into Space
18th March 2018 · 11:00am - 12:30pm
In person | Virtual event

Imagine you have a lemon that you really want to get into Space.
How do you go about it?
How much fuel do you need?
Where exactly is Space?
With a lemon for a visual aid, scientist, awesome communicator and space cadet, Vijay Shah will be joining us to answer all these questions and more, leaving us all feeling like rocket scientists as part of British Science Week!
Vijay has spent over three years travelling and on expedition in six of the world’s continents, but there has been one place that has mesmerised him since childhood – that is the vastness of Space.
Humans have barely dipped a toe into the Universe, and so his professional explorations are in the realms of aerospace engineering developing the next generation of aircraft and spacecraft to explore this planet and beyond. Vijay is an aerospace engineer at Reaction Engines Ltd developing hypersonic propulsion systems to revolutionise space access. He has worked in the industry for over 10 years across Europe, pushing the boundaries in the fields of aviation and aerospace. Vijay was on BBC 2 series ‘ASTRONAUTS: Do You Have What It Takes?’ during which twelve candidates endured challenges such as hovering a helicopter, taking their own blood and speaking Russian while in a centrifuge at 5g.
By the end of the Assembly you will have rocketed your feel good factor, with power ballads, spoken word, stories from the community and a big old fun time!
Please remember, Sunday Assembly London is free to attend and runs entirely on donations. Please support us if you can to keep it free for those who can’t. You can become a supporter here: https://
Accessible Parking:
Conway Hall have let us know that there is one accessible parking spot in Red Lion Square, but it is frequently in use. However, parking is free and unrestricted on Sundays outside Conway Hall.