Sunday Assembly LATES
14th November 2018 · 7:30pm - 10:00pm
In person | Virtual event

We are so excited to introduce our second ever Sunday Assembly LATES event this November!
This is an adult only, evening gathering, which is ticketed to raise funds for Sunday Assembly London!
If you sometimes struggle to get up on a Sunday (or know someone who does) and would love to come to a Sunday Assembly where we can talk about things that aren’t suitable for children’s ears, this one is for YOU!
For this Second Edition of SUNDAY ASSEMBLY LATES we have not one but TWO speakers joining us, each are experts on the subject of love, self love and relationships.
This is an adult only, evening gathering, with a glass of wine (if you like), which is ticketed to raise funds for Sunday Assembly London!
The first speaker is psychotherapist, author and presenter Malcom Stern. Malcolm has worked as a group and individual psychotherapist for more than 20 years. He is co-founder and co-director of Alternatives at St James’ Church in London and runs groups internationally. He is the author of Falling in Love, Staying In Love and he co-presented the Channel 4 series on relationships Made for Each Other in 2003 and 2004.
The second speaker is self love and relationship coach and founder of Loving with the Lights on, Sarah Adefehinti. Sarah believes self-love is an essential prerequisite for loving others and forming healthy and consciously co-created relationships (romantic or otherwise). Her coaching clinic, Loving with the Lights On, offers holistic relationship education for adults.
To mix things up a little more at this assembly we are also very excited to have the incredible Lonan Jenkins from the Embers Collective doing some storytelling for us!
As always, we’ll have our band welcoming you through the doors, some awesome power ballads and all the best Sunday Assembly joy (but at night!).
We will also have a donation based bar so you can enjoy a drink while you listen/ sing/ dance/ sit.
Come have fun while raising some pennies for this fantastic community!
Over 18’s only.