Sunday Lecture: From Artificial Consciousness to Human Public Goods
15th September 2013 · 11:00am - 11:00am
In person | Virtual event

Conway Hall Ethical Society presents; Academics as well as the lay public often hold that 1) artificial intelligence (AI) has yet to be achieved and 2) were AI to be achieved we would owe it ethical status as a moral agent and/or patient. In fact AI is ubiquitous in contemporary society providing us an excellent opportunity to re-examine our assumptions concerning moral subjectivity as well as our most basic social values.; Joanna Bryson is a Reader in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Bath holding degrees in both AI and Psychology. Her primary topics of research are the design of intelligent systems and the scientific modelling of biological cognition and culture. Having published in AI ethics since 1998 she is one of the authors of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council’s (EPSRC) Principles of Robotics (2011) and was recently named to the editorial board for the journal AI & Society.; 11.00 £5 adv. and on the door/free to members; Tea & Coffee will be available.