Sunday Lecture – Inside Britain’s Creationist Schools
19th May 2013 · 11:00am - 11:00am
In person | Virtual event

Jonny Scaramanga attended a fundamentalist Christian school in the ’90s where he learned that the Loch Ness Monster disproved evolution God disapproved of the NHS and homosexuals were an abomination to God. He talks about what students learn in these schools today and what we should do when the parent’s right to freedom of religion conflicts with the child’s right to a sound education.; Jonny is a PhD candidate at the Institute of Education where he is researching student experiences in Britain’s 50 Accelerated Christian Education schools. He has written for the Guardian the Times Education Supplement New Humanist and Liberal Conspiracy. His broadcast appearances include BBC Radio 4 BBC2 BBC local radio and Channel 4’s 4Thought TV.; His blog is at; 11.00 £3 on the door/free to members; Bottomless Tea & Coffee will be available.