Sunday Lecture: Is philosophy relevant in a scientific age?
10th March 2013 · 11:00am - 11:00am
In person | Virtual event

Clio Bellenis argues for the use of philosophy in science which should not be discarded as an irrelevance.; Having been initially sceptical of the value of philosophy in an age of empiricism Clio changed her mind after some years studying the subject.; When Prof. Brian Cox dismissed philosophy (as he actually does with everything but physics though let’s be honest!) she decided to put this argument together in an attempt to win over the undecided.; Clio will discuss how science and philosophy being different can complement each other and so improve our knowledge of the world. She will use examples from areas where philosophy is making significant contributions as well as some which might just be interesting.; Dr Clio Bellenis is a child and adolescent psychiatrist who has spent all her working life in the NHS.; 11.00 £3 on the door/free to members Free Tea & Coffee will be available.