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Sunday Lecture – The Morality of ‘Ethical Consumerism’

10th June 2012 · 12:00am - 12:00am

In person | Virtual event

 Sunday Lecture – The Morality of ‘Ethical Consumerism’

Anja Steinbauer discusses the ethics of the principles motivations and rationales of consumer behaviour.; If you ask them most people claim to be conscious of the moral importance of their consumer choices. However only a tiny minority actually have ethics in mind when going shopping. Why is there such a gap? What motivates our choices? To what degree is ethically aware consumerism a token of virtue: Does it demonstrate that you are a good person if you clad your baby in eco-friendly nappies? Are we categorically entitled to use our consumer power to affect particular moral social or political ends?; 11.00 £3 on the door/free to members.

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