The Alex City Quiz 2016
10th May 2016 · 6:30pm - 10:00pm
In person | Virtual event

At a time when serious questions are being asked about the future of the European Union, Alex would like to invite you to answer some much sillier questions at the seventh annual Alex City Quiz.
On Tuesday May 10th the usual assortment of City bankers, brokers, fund managers, PR people and financial journalists will gather at Conway Hall in Bloomsbury, home of the world’s oldest free thought organisation, to compete for the prestigious Masterley Trophy. Here their knowledge will be tested on all aspects of current affairs, history, science, sport, music, TV and film, with perhaps a token question about finance to throw them off their stride.
A table of six players costs £240, including food and a complimentary drink. All proceeds from this evening of competitiveness, bragging, cheating, arguing and drinking will be donated to the Aletheia Foundation.