The Beauty of Struggle
21st November 2021 · 11:00am - 1:00pm
In person | Virtual event

When the going gets tough most of us try to get out of it as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, sometimes, we just can’t. We’re stuck. But what if we can find beauty in the mess? Grace Marshall, award-winning writer and coach on productivity, has overcome her own struggles to give others the tools they need to embrace challenges and work through them.
In addition to listening to Grace’s talk, join in with the Sunday Assembly London band, enjoy poetry, and hear from a member of our community who is “Trying Their Best”. Please stay after for tea, biscuits and lively conversation with our community.
This will be a hybrid event, which means it will be held in-person as well as live-streamed through our website, We will make a Zoom room available for livestreamers after the assembly has finished. Link to be shared on the day.
Our assemblies are free to attend, but we kindly request that you support us so we can continue to keep it open to those who cannot afford to contribute.!/