The Centre For Pagan Studies Conference 2012
16th September 2012 · 10:00am - 10:00am
In person | Virtual event

The Centre For Pagan Studies In Association with Greenmantle Magazine Presents… THE CFPS CONFERENCE 2012 “A Day with Ronald Hutton and Friends – Modern witchcraft: Building a future from history” The big debate with refreshing views from our speakers and panel experts. Featuring: Prudence Jones Philip Heselton Rufus and Melissa Harrington Peter Nash Caroline Wise and of course Ronald Hutton – Professor of History Bristol University Musical contributions from Talis Kimberley Evening entertainment from Damh the Bard and The Dolmen Quality Stalls: Books Jewellery Ritual Items etc. Food provided by Green’s Cuisine Supporting the Doreen Valiente Foundation and Pagan Pride. C onference hotline: 07733 581504