The Conway Hall Editathon
23rd July 2014 · 6:00pm - 6:00pm
In person | Virtual event

Wikimedia UK and Conway Hall Ethical Society present The Conway Hall Editathon An editathon focusing on Atheism Humanism and Skepticism to be hosted in the Brockway room at Conway Hall in London on Wednesday the 23rd July 2014. The plan is to improve the coverage of an assortment of secular and skeptical entries on Wikipedia – especially related to the atheist movement. You do not need to be a Wikipedia editor to join the Editathon. Anyone who is interested in writing or improving articles should come along. It is free to attend and there will be refreshments available. Date: 23rd July 2013 6.30pm-9pm (coffees and introductions from 5.30) Venue: Conway Hall Brockway Room (The Small Hall on the ground floor) Participants: All welcome! We are hoping to have participation from Conway Hall as well as interested Wikimedians. There is space for 20 people in total. Please bring your own laptop along. We have free wifi in the building. Registration: Please sign up by following the ‘book now’ button below. Cost: Free. Contacts: Any questions? Please contact Jonathan Cardy (WMUK) Participants via teleconference Subject to demand we will be running a Skype chat or equivalent for people who can’t get to London. Image (© & ™ All rights reserved Wikimedia Foundation Inc.)