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The Decline of the Honey Bee and the End of Human Kind?

31st May 2015 · 11:00am - 1:00pm

In person | Virtual event

 The Decline of the Honey Bee and the End of Human Kind?

Dr Luke Dixon

“If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then Man would only have four years of life left” – Einstein

No more bees, no more pollination….no more human-kind!

Some think that Einstein’s quote is apocryphal; whatever it’s origins it is a stark reminder of just how dependent we are on honey bees for the pollination of so much of what we eat and drink. Something like a third of all we consume is reliant on honey bee pollination.

Man and bee have lived together in harmony and symbiotic support for millenia. But recent years have seen dramatic declines in honey bee populations around the world. Luke Dixon will discuss man’s responsibilities in the husbandry of bees and the harvesting of honey.

Luke Dixon spends the summer months looking after beehives across the rooftops and gardens of London. He tends the hives on the roof of Conway Hall and is the beekeeper of The Natural History Museum. Luke is also author of Keeping Bees in Towns and Cities and Bees & Honey: myth, folklore and traditions.

Doors 10.30. Entry £3, £2 concs./free to Conway Hall Ethical Society members.

Tea, coffee & biscuits will be available.

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