The Donaldson Lecture – Grayson Perry
13th January 2016 · 6:00pm - 8:00pm
In person | Virtual event

Award-winning artist Grayson Perry CBE will deliver the inaugural Donaldson Lecture, launching a programme of special events celebrating 175 years of architectural education at The Bartlett School of Architecture, the founding school of The Bartlett, UCL’s Faculty of the Built Environment.
In 1841 Thomas Leverton Donaldson was appointed UCLʼs first Chair in Architecture, one of the first in the UK, founding what later became The Bartlett School of Architecture. A year of celebratory ʻBartlett 175ʼ events begins with the Donaldson Lecture, a major new annual lecture public that aims to draw links between the built environment sector and the wide world.
The lecture will be followed by a Q&A and a drinks reception.
£5 Special discounted tickets for Bartlett School of Architecture students
£15 Bartlett School of Architecture Staff only
**Please note that general admission and alumni tickets are now sold out**