The EU debate – le crunch
12th June 2016 · 10:30am - 1:00pm
In person | Virtual event

Many of us still have to make up our mind on the EU Referendum. Rather than the vital facts we generally have heard exaggerated claims and biased conjecture, making it virtually impossible for the average person to take a well-informed view. Indeed, is it so complex a matter that all you can do is make a gut-decision based on your particular prejudice? Or can you do better than that?
Today could be your only and last chance to get properly informed. We have been very fortunate to secure distinguished speakers who will succinctly debate the critical information you need. Professor Takis Tridimas of King’s College London and Patricia Mary McKenna, well known activist and former MEP for Dublin will give you the hard facts you need to consider – on costs, immigration, trade, security and democratic and social issues and the range of possible ways these are affected by our ultimate decision. This will be followed by a vibrant discussion where you can express your opinion. You should then be well-positioned to put your cross in the right box!
Patricia McKenna is currently a Barrister-at-Law candidate at The Honorable Society of King’s Inns, Dublin. She is a Bachelor of Law & Political Science (LL.B.) from Trinity College Dublin.
She was a Member of the European Parliament for 10 years and is a former Vice-President of the Green Group in the European Parliament.
She was a member of the Irish Green Party and one of its most prominent figures for many years but resigned during the party’s term in government in 2009. She disapproved of the party’s support for the EU Lisbon Treaty and of its decision to back the holding of a second referendum after the people had already voted to reject this treaty. She was also critical of the party’s support for the bank bailouts following the country’s economic crisis and believes that the main purpose of these bailouts was to save the Euro.
In the 1990s she made legal and political history in Ireland when she successfully challenged the Irish Government’s use of public funds to influence the peoples vote in a referendum. This famous Court ruling established what has become know as the ‘McKenna Principles’ and prohibits an Irish government’s use of public monies to support one side in a referendum campaign.
She has been a consistent and vocal critic of what she describes as “the undemocratic nature of the EU” for many years and has been a leading campaigner in EU referendum campaigns in Ireland since the late 1980s.
Takis Tridimas is Professor of European Law at the Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London and Director of the Centre of European Law. He is a barrister practicing at Matrix Chambers and has been involved in leading cases in the European Court of Justice, the UK Supreme Court, and the European Court of Human Rights. He is also the Nancy A. Patterson Distinguished Faculty Scholar and Professor at Pennsylvania State University. He has acted as advisor to many public and private organizations, and chaired the Committee responsible for drafting the Treaty of Accession of 2003 by which central and eastern European states joined the EU.
Doors 10.30. Start 11.00
Entry £3, £2 concs./free to Conway Hall Ethical Society members (no tickets needed).
Brockway Room (Ground floor).
Tea, coffee & biscuits will be available.