The Festival of Life
14th September 2013 · 10:30am - 10:30am
In person | Virtual event

The Permaculture Association presents The Festival of Life The Festival is a unique one-day event with over 50 free talks demos and workshops and a wide variety of stalls inside the hall and in the park in adjacent Red Lion Square covering: Self-healing and Self-empowerment • Natural Parenting and Nature Cures • Healthy Vegan Organic Meals and Whole-foods • Permaculture and Environmentalism • Musical Poetic and Artistic Expression • Simple and Non-consumerist Living • Creating Community and Networks • Celebration and Connection A vibrant jampacked holistic event running from 10.30am to 11.30pm with a parallel daytime event in nearby Red Lion Square. Date: Saturday 14th September 2013 Doors open: 10.30am • Talks and Workshops: 11am-10pm Stalls: 10.30am-5pm • Conscious Dance Party: 6pm-12pm Ticket price for full event: 10.30am-11.30pm: £20 /£15 (concs) at the door. Late ticket prices – from 2pm onwards: £15 /£10 from 6pm £10 /£5 at the door. Accompanied under 16’s free. Entrance to Red Lion Square – free. If you do not wish to stay for the dance party you may request a £5 refund if you leave before 6pm. This will allow space for others to join at this point. This is a smoke alcohol and drug-free zone Limited mobile phone use appreciated The Festival of Life is a non-profit organisation affiliated to the Permaculture Association