The Fruits of Philosophy
15th March 2013 · 7:00pm - 7:00pm
In person | Virtual event

GALHA LGBT Humanists & Conway Hall present The Fruits of Philosophy: A dramatisation of one of the most important trials of the 19th Century. In April 1877 Annie Besant the estranged young wife of a Church of England clergyman stood trial in London in a cause celebre that revealed the full depths of Victorian prejudice before an international audience for publishing an “obscene libel” a pamphlet advocating family planning and describing contraception. The Victorian establishment were scandalised by the fact that the pamphlet was sold for sixpence and thus available to poor people. Her co-defender was the most famous freethinker and republican of his day Charles Bradlaugh who at this time was President of the National Secular Society and considered a brilliant orator and campaigner. Although the top legal brains of the day were directed against them Bradlaugh and Besant chose to conduct their own defence unaided by counsel and argued brilliantly for the freedom of the press the importance of scientific and medical advances and the need for the poor to have access to and knowledge of birth control in an age of overcrowding and extreme poverty. This play will give a dramatised account of the trial the scandal that surrounded it and the way in which its outcome affected their relationship and wider society. Admission free but £5 donation welcome. You can register your interest in the event Please also take the opportunity to see rare archive material specially curated and exhibited in the Humanist Library & Archives at Conway Hall relating to The Fruits of Philosophy . Open until 19.00 on 15 March.