The School of Life: Michael Pollan – What makes us full?
29th May 2013 · 12:00am - 12:00am
In person | Virtual event

What makes us full?; What did you eat for lunch today? Chances are many of us ate some kind of mass product from a packet at our desks. We might feel full up for a while. But with every factory-processed mouthful we pop are we denying ourselves something more existentially fulfilling?; Tonight the food writer Michael Pollan will give his manifesto for why we and how we should take back control of that fundamental part of our wellbeing pleasure and creativity: the art of eating well.; Pollan’s latest book is Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation. It tells the experience of apprenticing himself to master cooks. With them he learned how to use the basic elements of fire earth air and water to transform simple ingredients into wonderful food to eat. Tonight he’ll share the practical attitudes and strategies he learnt from cooks about creating sustenance for the soul.; Pollan will be in conversation with William Leith the author of the funny and moving memoir about his own food addiction The Hungry Years. Together they’ll discuss what it really means to be full.; Tickets £22