The Science of Sleep and Rest
12th February 2020 · 7:00pm - 9:00pm
In person | Virtual event

We spend an astonishing one-third of our lives sleeping. Yet we know remarkably little about it.
What is sleep? Why do we sleep? Almost everyone feels like they don’t get enough, but how much is enough? And what are the consequences of not getting enough sleep?
Join circadian neuroscientist, Russell Foster as he explains what we know about sleep, how it is measured, how it affects us, and what are the causes and consequences to our health of poor quality or lack of sleep.
Resting is how we unwind, calm our minds and recharge our bodies, and is directly linked to our sense of wellbeing. Today, busyness has become a badge of honour. We want to say we’re busy, yet at the same time we feel exhausted. Instead we should start taking rest seriously as a method of self-care.
In this talk, Claudia Hammond, will discuss a ground-breaking piece of research collaborated on with a team from Durham University and funded by the Wellcome Trust. ‘The Rest Test’ was the largest global survey into rest ever undertaken and was completed by 18,000 people across 135 different countries.
Counting down through the top ten activities which people find most restful, Hammond will explain why rest matters, examine the science behind the results to establish what really works and how you might lead a new, more restful and balanced life.
Copies of Claudia Hammond’s book, The Art of Rest can be purchased with your ticket for collection at the event. Copies will also be available for purchase at the event.
Doors open at 6:30 pm.
This event is in the Main Hall on the ground floor.
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