Thinking Differently: Feminists questioning gender politics
16th July 2016 · 9:15am - 4:30pm
In person | Virtual event

“Freedom is always and exclusively freedom for the one who thinks differently.” – Rosa Luxemburg
In 2015, gender politics hit the mainstream. With high-profile transgender celebrities in the media and terms like ‘cisgender’ entering the dictionary, many people became aware that certain ideas about gender were becoming popularised, normalised and indeed enshrined in legislation. 2016 has seen this process accelerating, with significant increases in the number of children presenting to Gender Identity Clinics, and questions about single-sex facilities, sports participation and prison accommodation all making the news.
Feminists have long had a critique of gender, and this conference creates a rare space for ‘thinking differently’ about gender politics. It will discuss what we mean by ‘gender’, and consider the implications of current notions of gender identity for women and children. Topics covered will include: historicising transgenderism; analysing gender; the ‘transing’ of children; transgenderism and the impact on women; and no-platforming and the silencing of feminists.
Registration from 9.15am; programme starts 10am. The venue is wheelchair accessible. Catering arrangements tbc.
A full programme and speaker profiles will be made available before the conference.
A very limited number of free places are available for those in financial hardship. Please contact the organisers if you would like to apply for a free place.