Tomax Talks: Observing War with Aernout Van Lynden
9th May 2012 · 12:00am - 12:00am
In person | Virtual event

ToMax Talks juxtapose two kinds of war-observation. Veteran video journalist Aernout Van Lynden flies in from Holland to reflect on his unrivalled reportage experience. He will be joined by social anthropologist Dr. Mark de Rond.; Aernout Van Lynden flies in from Holland to reflect on his career as one of the foremost video-journalists and war reporters of his generation. Aernout was one of the few Western journalists in Iraq when Saddam Hussein’s attack on Iran opened. He has worked in many war zones more recently for Sky; His coverage of the civil war in Sarajevo is perhaps his most well-known and can be viewed here; Dr. Mark de Rond from Cambridge’s Judge Business School is an expert in how people organise themselves in difficult situations – and he studies how they do so by living among them under the same conditions. He was given permission to work alongside medical teams at Camp Bastion the Army base in the province of Helmand in Afghanistan and will expand on his astonishing work there. 19.15 start £7/£10 tickets from the link below.