Too Sensitive For Science?
3rd September 2017 · 11:00am - 12:15pm
In person | Virtual event

This is the first of our three part season of equality.
Emily Grossman is an expert in molecular biology and genetics, with a Double First from Cambridge and a PhD in cancer research.
In June 2015 she took part in a debate on Sky News following Sir Tim Hunt’s comments on women in STEM. One of the points she made was that it’s OK for female scientists to cry. Following the interview she received a torrent of sexist and misogynistic abuse on social media. She is coming to tell us about her experience, her knowledge and her response.
Emily will be talking about the need to get rid of the super outdated stereotype that all scientists are cold, unemotional…and male. A stereotype that prevents many young people, especially girls, from seeing a place for themselves in science. She will explore the value of emotions in science and in society, in both men and in women, and tell us how emotional openness can lead to three Cs; Compassion, Collaboration and Creativity – qualities that are as essential in science as they are in life.
And if that’s not enough, we’ll be singing our hearts out, hearing stories from members of the community, drinking a vat of tea/coffee and eating a heck of a lot of biscuits afterwards too.
We can’t wait to see you there and have fun celebrating life with you all!
Sunday Assembly London is free to attend and runs entirely on donations. Please support us if you can to keep it free for those who can’t.
Main Hall. This room is accessible.