Understanding & Working with Multiplicity
10th January 2018 · 10:00am - 4:30pm
In person | Virtual event

Multiplicity – or having dissociative identities – is the experience of being more than one. For some, these parts are experienced as different aspects of themselves (a child part, a wise part, a sceptical part). For others, these parts are more distinct – perhaps having their own names, gender, characteristics and history – and can be separated by dissociative walls. Each part may have a function, containing important information and a narrative that other parts may not be aware of.
The resultant loss of time and confusion can make it difficult for people to make sense of what is happening to them. Yet, for those of us who have experienced severe trauma, such walls can be a lifeline when we are not at a point in our lives to address what has happened. Many of us are somewhere in between these two ends of the dissociative continuum – finding a way of understanding and living with our selves.
This course is facilitated by Rai Waddingham, an experienced trainer with personal and professional experience of complex trauma, dissociation and multiplicity (seewww.behindthelabel.co.uk).
Topics include:
Challenging common myths and stereotypes – understanding diverse experiences of multiplicity and their impact on people’s lives
Navigating conversations around multiplicity – at different stages in people’s journeys (including when they are not aware of their parts)
Strategies to improve communication & collaboration between parts
This course is suitable for anyone who supports people who experience multiplicity of any kind, in a work or personal capacity.
- Full price (Statutory/commercial): £120
- Reduced price (Voluntary sector): £90
- Concessions (Unwaged): £10
Special offer:
If you have already booked a place on the Complex Trauma workshop on 8 January, you are eligible for a discount on this course. Please choose the correct ticket band for you.
- Full price Statutory/commercial: £80
- Voluntary sector: £60
- Unwaged: £5
If you have not booked a place on the Complex Trauma workshop on 8 January, please do not book a special offer place. If you do, it will be cancelled and you will be asked to re-book for the correct fee.