Vicky Bond: Religious Slaughter – Is it an Animal Welfare Issue?
17th October 2012 · 7:00pm - 7:00pm
In person | Virtual event

The Central London Humanist Group (CLHG) Presents…; A talk by Vicky Bond from Compassion in World Farming (CIWF); Halal meat is increasingly being served in restaurants hospitals and work canteens in Britain. Should we be concerned about how religious slaughter affects the welfare of farm animals?; Vicky Bond is from Compassion in World Farming which presents the facts on the religious slaughter methods that produce both halal and kosher meat.; Her talk will hopefully provide some food for thought and some lively and interesting debate.; Compassion in World Farming was founded in 1967 by British dairy farmer Peter Roberts who was concerned by the development of intensive factory farming. Today they campaign peacefully to end all cruel factory farming practices. Their passion is supported by hard evidence and facts which underpin their campaigns and makes them leading experts in farm animal welfare.; Their political lobbying and campaigning has resulted in the EU recognising animals as sentient beings capable of feeling pain and suffering. They have also secured landmark agreements to outlaw the barren battery cage for egg-laying hens narrow veal crates and sow stalls across Europe.; Compassion in World Farming’s Food Business Team is working with some of the world’s biggest food retailers producers and manufacturers. The companies they work with are a key part of the drive towards a more ethical and sustainable food supply. Their Good Farm Animal Welfare awards benefit millions of animals each year.; Doors from 6.30 p.m.; Wine is available from our charity wine bar.; Talk from 7.00 p.m.; A suggested donation of £2 would be welcome on the night towards the cost of room and equipment hire.; All CLHG talks are open to the general public.