We Trust Women: The Case for Decriminalising Abortion
15th March 2016 · 6:30pm - 8:30pm
In person | Virtual event

In every country in the UK today, a woman who ends her own pregnancy without legal authorisation from two doctors can be sentenced to life in prison, under legislation passed before women had the vote.
The 1967 Abortion Act did not overturn these laws, but provided legal exemptions. It did not extend to Northern Ireland. Even where the Act applies, abortion is not a choice women can make for herself, but a decision which must be made on her behalf by two doctors. And women are still being prosecuted – and imprisoned – for ending their own pregnancies in the UK.
Public opinion is now more liberal than the law, yet we have seen little progress on reproductive rights since the 1960s. Join our panel of experts and discuss why we need to campaign for full decriminalisation of abortion across the UK.
Speakers include:
Ann Furedi, Chief Executive of bpas
Sam Smethers, Chief Executive of the Fawcett Society
Elizabeth Prochaska, Human rights barrister at Matrix Chambers and founder of Birthrights
Diane Munday, Pioneering campaigner for the 1967 Abortion Act and former general secretary of the Abortion Law Reform Association in 1960’s
Goretti Horgan, Alliance for Choice Northern Ireland
Naomi Phillips, British Humanist Association (BHA)
Tickets are free. Donations welcome.