Wellness and Hope Without Religion Conference
8th June 2019 · 9:00am - 5:00pm
In person | Virtual event

The first session of the conference will have former believers discussing their individual experiences of whether religion played a part in gaining and maintaining wellness/wellbeing before deconversion. The session will also discuss maintaining personal wellness after leaving religion.
The second session is led by two academic researchers who will discuss their research in finding out the effects of leaving religion on wellbeing and mental health.
The third session is about what it is to be a minority within a minority, within a minority. It is about the wellness of black and ethnic minorities LGBT within religion and without.
The last session is about wellbeing and hope as a Humanist.
This event is in the Brockway Room on the ground floor. For accessibility info: https://www.conwayhall.org.uk/about/visiting-us/