What is cancer and how can we control it?
5th June 2013 · 6:30pm - 6:30pm
In person | Virtual event

What is cancer and how can we control it?; Cancer research is a vast worldwide enterprise yet there has been little improvement in patient outcomes over several decades. Clearly some bold new thinking is needed. Amid the frantic search for an elusive “cure” some basic questions are overlooked. Why is there cancer? What are its deep evolutionary roots? Why do almost all cells come pre-loaded with a cancer subroutine? Paul will describe a new and testable theory of cancer as the re-activation of an ancient phenotype suggesting a radically new approach to therapy.; Paul Davies is Director of the Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science at Arizona State University. He is best known as a physicist and cosmologist and as a pioneer in the field of astrobiology. A few years ago he was asked by the US National Cancer Institute to provide fresh insights into cancer from a physicist’s perspective. This led to him being appointed as Principal Investigator at the Center for the Convergence of Physical Science and Cancer Biology at ASU.; Paul is also author of numerous best-selling science books including The Fifth Miracle: The Search for the Origin of Life How to Build a Time Machine and The Eerie Silence: Renewing our Search for Alien Intelligence.; Doors open at 6pm. Talk starts at 6:30pm.; Tickets £5 (inc. booking fee) in advance through Eventbrite and if available £7 on the door. Tickets sold on a first come first served basis and are subject to availability.; New Scientist is the world’s leading science and technology weekly magazine covering the big ideas and developments from all areas of science and technology. Offering the latest news ideas and opinions New Scientist is an authoritative voice on all matters related to science technology and the ideas improving our knowledge of the universe and those shaping our world and lives.