What will President Trump do?
23rd November 2016 · 6:45pm - 8:15pm
In person | Virtual event

When President Trump walks into the Oval Office in January 2017, his pledge to “Make America Great Again” will finally be put to the test. But what can he realistically achieve?
Which of the promises he has made to the American people can he keep? Can he really wipe the Obama administration from history by erasing every “executive action, memorandum and order issued by President Obama”? And does the rest of the world have anything to fear from a president who truly believes that “the world is most peaceful and most prosperous when America is strongest.”
Join the how to: Academy and Oxford Analytica as we pull apart the pledges made by Donald Trump during his campaign, and try to predict what his presidency will change for the US and the world.
Speakers to be announced.